As a child, we used to play a card game called "Bullshit!" The object of the game is to try and bluff the other players. If they think you are bluffing, they call "Bullshit!" Well, that's the topic of today's post.
You see, a few weeks ago, my fiancé called "Bullshit!" on me. As I was in my mode of seeking the "ultimate" diet, he said, "I thought you believed in this Oola stuff?" I acknowledged I do, to which he said, "Then why don't you just do it?" In other words, don't just talk about your goals but reach them.
Now, I must confess, his candor took me back, but it gave me much to think about; after all, it's true. If I believe in Oola as much as I say I do, why am I struggling with this goal? Just freakin' do it! And so, I began with a renewed resolve. It was hard to get back on program. In fact, yesterday I observed that when I was 25 years old, it was so much easier to stick to a diet...why is it harder now? Is my resolve less, now that I'm older? Does it not matter if I am fat or thin? The truth is, it is no longer about looking good so much as optimal health; being the very best physically that I can be. Does it make it easier to say "no" to things I love? Not really....but, I have something in place that I haven't had in a very long time -- an accountability partner. Yes, my fiancé is now holding me accountable when I am feeling weak-willed. AND he's calling "Bullshit!"
This past week-end was a huge struggle for me. Friday night, we hit a favorite restaurant. Oh, how I wanted a margarita but held strong. Then, after dinner I suggested getting dessert at the local frozen yogurt place. He looked me square and said, "because you didn't get the margarita, you want the frozen yogurt..." Bullshit! Yup, he called it -- knew me better than I knew myself. So, I then suggested that we go home, have a sugar-free popsicle and watch a movie.
Now, some may think that his words were harsh. They really weren't...they were honest. I wanted a reward for not drinking the margarita -- and yes, tried to pick a reasonable substitute. But the truth is, the frozen yogurt was not on my diet plan either. I confessed to him that I felt because I had eaten out, I felt like I had blown my diet to which he said, no you didn't. He was right. I hadn't, but surely would have done so if we'd gone to the frozen yogurt place.
Pulling from my last blog on weight, I will share with you something. I have lost 10 pounds. Remember what I said about motivation? When the problem is better, we think it's ok to indulge?
I'm calling "Bullshit!" on me for that one! Truth is, I'm starting to look and feel better. Is the larger goal of optimal health met? Not until I'm 60 pounds lighter, in a normal BMI and my blood pressure medications are gone.
Yesterday, we went out to breakfast and I had egg whites scrambled with turkey. It was a disgusting looking mess, although in fact, was tasty. What I really wanted was the coffee cake or banana chocolate chip pancakes. However, my fiancé is supporting me on this one. We talked at lunch and decided, if I am making this lifestyle change, my days of coffee cake are probably over. I am, one of the unfortunate ones, who is 5'2" tall and medium framed and a genetic predisposition to holding weight along with a host of other health problems. If I were 6' tall, my weight would be a non-issue. Yet, if you look at my labs, I'm doing well -- especially given I'm 56 years old.
And so, last night, I made it to bed without throwing away the hard work I've accomplished so far. I love going to the movies and have learned that I don't have to have popcorn, even though the smell of it may drive me crazy. I am content with a Diet Coke -- large, please!
I woke up this morning feeling strong again! It felt good! Sometimes, we need a push...tough love! We all need someone to call "Bullshit!" on us every once in awhile, because let's face it....we will never call it on ourselves!
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