We had a young missionary speak at our church this past Sunday. I’ll be honest – I was not expecting anything exceptional from her testimony. But you see, I was wrong. Quite the opposite. Not only was she charming and eloquent but her witness was incredibly life changing and made me look at that Bible in a whole new way. I will share with you some of the things that she imparted to us and then, I want to take the time to look at them in another light. After all, isn’t that what God is about – shining a light?
First of all, she pointed out that when God has something to say, it is usually prefaced by the phrase “so that” in order to emphasize it: “so that” means it’s important. For instance, in Ephesians 1:17-18 it says, “I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the God of glory may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation as you come to know him, so that, with the eyes of your heart enlightened you may know what is the hope to which he has called you…” Well, obviously God wants the eyes of our heart enlightened. Let’s change the phrase “so that” into the question “So what?” I want you to reread that verse. Why does God want the eyes of our heart enlightened? So that we may know (not speculate) what is the hope to which he has called you. In other words, what is God’s will and direction for YOUR life? Well, you can actually think about the question and apply the answer to your life. Or you can ask the question, “So what?” So what if you do it? Or conversely, so what if you don’t?
Let’s look at another passage. Matthew 7:1. This verse says, “Stop judging, so that you may not be judged” God is clearly telling us here, you need to stop judging others. If we don’t, He is going to apply the same criteria when He judges us. Think about that one. How many times a day do we judge others? I bet so many times that it is second nature and more times than we can count. And I’m pretty sure our daily judgment of others is not the bar by which we’d wish to be judged. Here’s the question that you’re probably thinking – “So what if I do judge others?” Well, it sounds like God means business in this area since it is a command and not a request. Therefore, there are some very real consequences to your actions. I’m pretty sure God is not playing in this verse!
Genesis 6:19 says, “Also, you will take two of every living thing on the earth with you into the boat. Take a male and female of every kind of animal so that they might survive with you.” I saw a funny cartoon the other day on Twitter. Two dinosaurs on an island with Noah’s Ark in the background. One dinosaur said to the other, “Oh crap! Was that today?” What would have been the consequences if Noah had said to God, “So what if I don’t build the ark?” or “So what if I don’t get all of the animals in the ark?” Think about it. Would the earth be as we know it with all the wonderful animals around us? Would mankind even be here today?
Psalm 18:36 says, “You cleared a path for my feet so that I could walk without stumbling.” This passage tells us that we need to follow God’s will not just our own. Again, “So what?” Well, if you have ever been through some tough times, you will know the “so what?” Being in His will helps us not to just depend on Him but it keeps us from doing the wrong thing. He clears our path but we also have to be open to walking on it. If we don’t, we will find ourselves tripping all over the place
Well, now here’s some very significant verses of the Bible. The first one is John 3:16 “Yes, God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him would not be lost but have eternal life.” Again, there’s the phrase “so that”. “…so that everyone who believes in him would not be lost but have eternal life.” God had a reason for having His son die for us. That is not insignificant. First of all – His son. Parents, I want you to think about this. Would you be able to allow something as horrific as what Christ endured to happen to any of your children? But God did allow it. Why? SO THAT, we would not be lost but have eternal life. It was His master plan. Now let’s ask ourselves this, “So what if He didn’t put His son on the cross?” Well, there would be some pretty dire consequences for all of us. Mankind would be lost; a permanent separation from our Holy Father.
Lastly, in Matthew 5:16 it says, “In the same way, you should be light for other people. Live so that they will see the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven.” What is God telling us here? Be an example. Live your life so that others will see the good within you. Let your light shine! Again, let’s ask the question, “So what if I’m not an example? So what if others don’t see me living a Christian life? The Great Commission is to spread the Truth. One way in which we can do that is not just evangelize but to show others what it means to be a Christian so that your life will reflect your faith. So what if it doesn’t? Ask yourself, how do others see you? More importantly, how does God see you? Does He see you? So what if He doesn’t? But then again, so what if He does?