I'm not going to lie. 2020 has been a bitch! Oh, you can say what you want but as a person in the if you get COVID, you're F*CKED category, it has been a stressful year, to say the least.
Yet, it has probably been one of the most amazing years of my life. I have had the opportunity to work from home, which let me say, has given me a renewed love of my profession, which is teaching. I am working with middle school students and have literally gone back to my roots which is a self-contained classroom for students with severe learning disabilities. It has been a challenge with online classes. Our first two weeks back to work, we were basically put through a boot camp in software programming. For someone who is 60 years old and with little or no interest in technology, that was asking a lot. Not to mention, the training did not come together until the week-end before school started. But thank goodness, it finally did.
I looked closely at my possibilities for retirement and decided that I am taking retirement in 5 years. As a 15 year teacher (instead of 30 year), that means I get half of my last three years income. Not a lot. So, I have been shopping around for a secondary gig that will not only get me out of debt but will allow me to work long-term. I decided it needed to be in the financial services industry. Lo and behold, I found a company I love with a group of trainers that are the BEST! As God says, ask and you shall receive. I believe this is a gift and enjoy every.single.day even though it is a second job. I know that if I can get through the next five years, my life will be amazing! Like any business, it takes time and patience. I have all that (short of dying) and so, I feel incredibly blessed.
In July, my husband was completely tired of not being able to swim and so, I decided (without his blessing) to find us a townhome with a community swimming pool. What I managed to find was just so much more! We were able to find a single-family home with a pool of its own. Let me just say at this point, I am so humbled and blessed. First, because I never, ever thought I would be able to own a home again with my financial history. Secondly, because I believe this is nothing more than a blessing from God. And thirdly (is that a word?), when the time came to look at this home, my husband was completely on board and ready to make our final move. It was no small effort to pack up and move, and a true labor of love on his part.
Lastly, I have been holed up with the love of my life. I can't even tell you how much joy it has been to spend the last six months with him. COVID has made us both acutely aware that life can be snuffed out in a heartbeat. And so, we have learned to relax and slow down, to enjoy and just take time to do simple things such as watching a movie together, cooking a meal, or sitting on our La-Z-Boy couches and reading.
Although I dearly miss my children and grandchildren who live out of state (a ZOOM call is not the same as a hug), I know we will get together as soon as this pandemic is over, and/or when grandma gets her vaccine. Hopefully, it will be sooner, rather than later.
As 2020 draws to a close, I see it as a year that has given me vision beyond the ordinary. It has made me realize even more how short life is, and to appreciate every.single.moment. Hindsight truly is 20:20. It just also happens to be the times we are living in.