If I haven't said it, Happy New Year! Having gotten that out of the way, let's talk. I have had a number of things in the works this year, and am settling into what I call, "mass confusion." Just.kidding.
I actually have determined a framework for the course of my life. Goals. Outcomes. End dates, if you will. In other words, I have SMART goals set. If any of you don't know what that is, I refer you to the internet.
I have followed something called Oola for over 7 years now. Through this, I have learned some very important things.
1) Set SMART goals. It will get you where you're going, and keep you on track for your life goals and dreams.
2) Get rid of any blockers - negativity. Kick those vibes and thoughts out.
3) Embrace the accelerators - positivity. You get what you give.
4) Never underestimate the power of the pals you hang with. If you are struggling in an area, find a mentor. They can lead you when you "can't see the forest for the trees."
5) Have a life plan. Look at 1 year, 5 years and 10 years. Where do you want to go? You couldn't find your way without a map, could you? You are navigating new waters and so, you need a path for your journey. Write it down.
6) Look at where you are now. "Where you are is where you are...it's not who you are." (@OolaGuru) Don't let past failure(s) determine your future success.
7. Change your mindset, change your life. Kick out unwanted thoughts. Stop brooding over the past and move forward. None of us has had a perfect life. Seriously, get over it (said the one who went through 3 years of therapy to get to her "happy" place).
As for me, this is it for "Love Letters". I am moving to Wordpress and starting a new blog called Myplan - Mypurpose. I think you will like it. It is designed for all of those struggling with day-to-day issues; fitness, finance, field, faith, family, friends, and fun. It is about helping you move beyond your current state and into a state of Oola. Join me if you will. After all, it's not about the destination but the journey.