Sunday, November 19, 2017

Moving Day Week!

So, moving day pretty much went as expected.  I get a call on Sunday at 4:00 PM from the apartment complex, explaining our carpets will not be dry until 3:30 PM the next day and can we move in then?  Um...NO!  We hired a moving company since we're "old" so, that was not happening.  I did, however, ask them to go over in the morning and turn on all the fans, including the A/C fan in hopes it would dry the carpets.  It did.  I also called our mover at 8 AM to see if we could postpone our move by a couple of hours.  They did.  So, it did, in the end, work out.  WHEW!

As I did a quick walk through (very quick) I found I missed several items that are problematic.  Garbage disposal not working, fridge missing the shelves over the produce bins, bleach container in washer falls out, oven not working...all things you would not typically find until you need to use them.  And so, we have a running list.  I will say the management company has been doing their best to keep up with our list of demands.  But, these are glitches

We worked the remainder of the week -- myself, Tuesday through Friday and my husband, Wednesday through Friday.  Then yesterday, we worked like no other.  We unpacked roughly half of our boxes, (and I swear, he has at least 4 boxes of wine -- his non-negotiables for throw aways) while I have at least 5 boxes of family photos (my non-negotiables).  They are all sitting in the floors of closets.  If I ever take up scrapbooking, the albums will fill at least 1 room, floor to ceiling.  If we ever take up drinking, we're set, pretty much for the next couple of years.

As we are unpacking yesterday, we did take time to go purchase some dishes (Corelle -- which has jumped to a price not even I can believe!), much needed bath mats, towels, bedding and a new Christmas tree. (just step high when walking over that 4 foot long box!)  Yes, we needed an extra box, just in case we didn't have enough.

BUT -- now, here's the best part of moving -- for "realsies".  Downsizing means it is waaaay easier to clean this place.  We got rid of enough stuff to where we actually do have enough space for everything (rather than holding all the 'extras' in the 3rd garage bay).  Most of all, this is becoming "our home".  You see, although my husband owned a beautiful house, it was always, in my mind --  "his" house.  Not 'our' house.  And yes, this is an apartment...but it is "our" place.  I didn't really realize the difference until we really started to get settled.  And then it was there...comfort and peace.  The feeling I had when I moved into my first apartment. 

My favorite spot is still in my $5 garage sale old recliner as well as the patio.  I love being outdoors enjoying my coffee in the sunshine.  We may have moved but some things will never change. 

Saturday, November 18, 2017

My Oola Journey: From Fat to Fabulous

How many of you have tried diet after diet with promises of becoming thin?  Only to fail a month or two or three down the road?  Yes, I too was one of those yo-yo dieters.  Now what if I shared with you that there is a better way? What if I told you that it wasn't you that failed but the plan?  That's right...the plan!

I began a new journey just over a month ago.  I tried a product I never thought I would use and I did it because I was at the point where I was considering surgery.  Yes -- gastric bypass.  I had gained 10 pounds due to foot surgery and ate my way up another ten pounds. 

I then saw a friend on Facebook had gotten really buff.  Age 47 and looking great.  I asked him how he did it, and he told me.  I must confess, I was skeptical.  Really now!!  Then, he bombarded me with before and after photos of other people who had used the program.  It reminded me of the old comic books in the 1960's when the skinny kid got sand kicked in his face by the buff bully.  Then the skinny kid gets buff and goes after the bully.  Point well taken especially when fat is the bully.

And so, I purchased the products with the mindset, if it doesn't work, there is always surgery.  My friend told me to trust the process no matter what.  I did.  I didn't work out and the first month I lost 10+ pounds and 31.5 inches.  Say WHAAAAT?  You heard me.  31.5 inches.  I was shocked.

That week-end, I went shopping.  I tried on smaller sizes to see how much more I had to go to fit into them.  I didn't have to wait long...they fit!  I was down three pants sizes!  I am not hungry on this plan, people tell me my face is glowing and I am beyond ecstatic at the results.

SO...if this sounds like something you can live with and need help with, please contact me on FB at Lisa Lehr Lucero.  Private message me and I will make sure you get a program that works...for you!!